Established in 1883 and considered the trade’s leading business in Austria ever since, we have been dealing in rare books, manuscripts and autographs for more than a century, serving private collectors and institutional customers all over the world.

What’s new: recent acquisitions

  • Freud, Sigmund, Austrian neurologist, founder of psychoanalysis (1856-1939). 3 autograph lettercards (2 of which signed).Grundlsee and Vienna, 1930, 1931 und 1936.

  • Martyr d'Anghiera, Peter. De rebus oceanicis et novo orbe, decades tres [...]. Item eiusdem, De Babylonica …Cologne, 1574.

  • Pritchett, Sir Victor Sawdon, British writer and literary critic (1900-1997). Autograph manuscript of his lecture "The Short Story", with additional …No place, 1949.

  • Vitruvius Pollio, Marcus. Vitruvius Teutsch. Nemlichen des aller namhafftigisten un[d] hocherfarnesten, …Nuremberg, 1548.


What’s available: our stock, updated daily

What’s gone: some recent sales

  • Tusi, Muhamad ibn Muhamad ibn al-Hasan al-. Kitab Uqlidis fi ilm al-handasa [An exposition on mathematics and geometry …Early Safavid Persia, first half of the 16th century.

  • Rowling, J[oanne] K., English writer (b. 1965). Original miniature manuscript.N. p., 2004.

  • Blanckenhorn, [Prof. Dr. Max]. Die Hedschaz-Bahn auf Grund eigener Reisestudien.Berlin, 1907.

  • [Ephemerides] - Martin de Ath, Jean. Ephemerides meteorologicae anni bisextilis, 1572 horizonti Brabantico: …Antwerp, 1571.
