Astronomy, Astrology
Showing items 1–48 of 231 (Astronomy, Astrology)
Kashf al-asrar wa Kifayat al-Akhyar fi ilm al-Tanjim wa Ma'rifat Manazil …Uzbekistan, ca. 1880 CE.
€ 6,500.00 -
Bahghat al-albab fi 'l-asturlab (and other works).No place, 1733/34 CE = 1146 H.
€ 6,500.00 -
Eigenh. Brief mit U.Florenz, 6 Nov 1914.
€ 200.00 -
Eigenh. Brief mit U.Rom, 2 Apr 1912.
€ 200.00 -
[Kitab al mughni fi 'l-mawalid, latine]. Liber genethliacus, sive De nativitatibus, …Nuremberg, 1540.
€ 9,500.00 -
Introductorium in astronomiam Albumasaris abalachi octo continens libros …Venice, 5 Sept. 1506.
€ 45,000.00 -
Illustrium, et exquisitissimarum disputationum libri quatuor: quibus omnis …Frankfurt, 1609.
€ 4,500.00 -
Autograph letter signed.Edmonton, 22 Apr 1851.
€ 220.00 -
[Kitab al-Jawami - Italian]. Espositione de gli insomnii secondo la interpretatione …Venice, 1551.
€ 4,500.00 -
Autograph letter signed ("G. B. Airy").Greenwich, London, 14 Apr 1836.
€ 280.00 -
Eigenh. Brief mit U. (in dritter Person).Cambridge Observatory, 4 Nov 1829.
€ 140.00 -
Risalah dar 'Ilm-i Hay'at [A treatise on the science of astronomy].Central Asia, 1779 CE = 1193 H.
€ 4,500.00 -
Astrologiae Nova Methodus. Francisci Allaei, Arabis Christiani.Rennes, 1654-1655.
€ 15,000.00 -
Persian manuscript almanac.Qajar Iran, 1869 CE = 1285 H.
€ 3,500.00 -
Ottoman manuscript almanac.Ottoman Turkey, 1840 CE = 1256 Rumi.
€ 850.00 -
Ottoman manuscript almanac.Ottoman Turkey, 1828/29 CE = 1244 H.
€ 1,500.00 -
Ottoman manuscript almanac.Ottoman Turkey, 1830/31 CE = 1246 H.
€ 950.00 -
[Libellus Isagogicus - Al-madkhal]. Preclarum su[m]mi in astroru[m] scientia …Venice, 1521.
€ 28,000.00 -
[Libellus Isagogicus - Al-madkhal]. Preclarum su[m]mi in astroru[m] scientia …Venice, 1521.
€ 28,000.00 -
[Libellus Isagogicus - Al-madkhal]. Enarratio elementorum astrologiae, …Cologne, 1560.
€ 9,500.00 -
Autograph letter signed ("GBatt[ist]a Amici").Florence, 11 Apr 1840.
€ 1,500.00 -
Autograph letter signed.Milan, 16 Mar 1810.
€ 250.00 -
Nafayis al-Funun [Treasures of Sciences].Persia or Central Asia, 17th century CE.
€ 9,500.00 -
Eigenh. Brief mit U.Saint-Genis-Laval, 28 Sep 1898.
€ 140.00 -
Eigenh. U.O. O. u. D.
€ 100.00 -
Dhakhirat al-Iskandar al-Malik ibn Filiqs Dhi al-Qarnayn.Persia or Central Asia, 18th century CE.
€ 14,000.00 -
Signed Belgian stamp cover.No place or date.
€ 1,800.00 -
De prodigiosis naturae et artis operibus talismanes et amuleta dictis cum …Hamburg, 1717.
€ 600.00 -
Globus caelestis Cufico-Arabicus Veliterni Musei Borgiani [...] illustratus. …Padua, 1790.
€ 28,000.00 -
Illustrated Russian manuscript.Probably Russian Empire, 18th century.
€ 28,500.00 -
Sphaera armillaris. Instrumentum artificiale Orrery ab inventore appellatum.Augsburg, 1774.
€ 850.00 -
Three Persian treatises on astronomy.Probably Iran, 1844 CE = 1260 H.
€ 4,500.00 -
Astronomical manuscript in Arabic.No place, ca. 1790, or late 18th century CE / ca. 1200 H.
€ 6,000.00 -
[Work on astronomy].Safavid Iran, 16th-18th century CE.
€ 25,000.00 -
[Opera: carmina]. Arati phaenomena. (Add): Dionysius Periegetes, De situ …Venice, 25 Oct 1488.
€ 30,000.00 -
Nukhbat Qawl al-Sadat fi ma yata'allaqu bil-Munharifat [The chosen statement …Egypt, 1883/84 CE = 1301 H.
€ 8,500.00 -
Eigenh. Brief mit U.Sunderland, 13 Jan 1902.
€ 180.00 -
Tashrih al-aflak [Anatomy of the celestial spheres].Central Asia, 1857/68 CE = 1274 H.
€ 7,500.00 -
Eigenh. Brief mit U.Königsberg, 5 Jul 1913.
€ 140.00 -
Ms. Brief mit eigenh. U.Washington, 7 Apr 1909.
€ 120.00 -
Eigenh. Brief mit U.London, o. D.
€ 140.00 -
[At-Taqwim sana 609] sive Ephemerides Persarum per totum annum, juxta epochas …Augsburg, 1695-1696.
€ 28,000.00 -
[At-Taqwim sana 609] sive Ephemerides Persarum per totum annum, juxta epochas …Augsburg, 1695-1696.
€ 25,000.00 -
Opuscula complura de temporum ratione diligenter castigata.Cologne, May 1537.
€ 8,500.00 -
Eigenh. Brief mit U.Paris, 13 Mar 1913.
€ 140.00 -
Recherches sur plusieurs points de l'astronomie Égyptienne, appliquées …Paris, 1823.
€ 1,800.00 -
Sharh al-tadhkirah.No place, ca. 1585/1591 CE = 999 or 994 H.
€ 45,000.00 -
Sharh al-tadhkirah.No place, 1655 CE = 1065 H.
€ 45,000.00
Showing items 1–48 of 231 (Astronomy, Astrology)
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