Becquerel, Henri

Henri Becquerel, French physicist and Nobel laureate, 1852-1908

In 1903, Becquerel shared the Nobel Prize in Physics with Pierre and Marie Skłodowska-Curie "in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered by his discovery of spontaneous radioactivity". The SI unit for radioactivity, the becquerel (Bq), is named after him. There is a crater called Becquerel on the Moon and also a crater called Becquerel on Mars. Besides the Nobel Prize, Becquerel received some othe important awards such as Rumford Medal (1900), Helmholtz Medal (1901), Barnard Medal (1905), and Toffie Medal (1908).

  • Becquerel, Henri, French physicist and Nobel laureate (1852-1908). Autograph manuscript.N. p., 20 Jan 1883.

  • Becquerel, Henri, French physicist and Nobel laureate (1852-1908). "Conférence du Museum". Autograph manuscript.No place, 21 Feb 1906.

  • Becquerel, Henri, physicist and Nobel laureate (1852-1908). Autograph visiting card.Paris, 10 Mar 1905.
