Feuerbach, Henriette

Henriette Feuerbach, German author and arts patron, 1812-1892

The wife of Joseph Anselm Feuerbach and the stepmother of painter Anselm Feuerbach, Henriette gave piano lessons, directed a choir, and organized house concerts. Clara Schumann and Johannes Brahms were among those who frequented her salon. She invested most of her energies into supporting her stepson's efforts to establish himself as an artist and, after his death in 1880, perpetuated his legacy also by publishing the book "Ein Vermächtnis – Anselm Feuerbach". Brahms composed "Nänie" (1881) in memory of Anselm and included a dedication to Henriette. Besides she published her own writings, predominantly addressed to women as "Sonntagsmuße" (Sunday Rest).

  • Feuerbach, Henriette, Schriftstellerin (1812-1892). 11 eigenh. Briefe mit U.Ansbach, Leipzig und o. O., 1880-1890.
