1 autograph letter signed and 1 autograph lettercard signed.
[Paris], 15 June and "Samedi", n. y.
8vo. and oblong 12mo. Together 5½ pp. With 1 autograph envelope.
€ 150,00
Both to the economist Alfred de Foville, director of the library of the Monnaie de Paris, concerning medals. The probably earlier letter dated 15 June to thank Foville for informing him about two medals and announcing a visit at the Monnaie to see them: "Je vous prie de m'excuser si j'ai tarda si longtemps à vous remercier des renseignements si intéressants que vous avez bien voulus me faire parvenir. Je ne connaissais pas l'existence de ces médailles et je ne manquerai pas d'aller les voir [...]".
The letter card was to thank Foville for catalogues, presumably of medals, and to ask him for help with the sale of two medals.
On stationery with printed address.