Lavisse, Ernest, French historian (1842-1922). Autograph letter signed.

Paris, 21. VIII. 1896.

8vo. 1 p. Mounted on paper.


To the economist and statistician Alfred de Foville, reminding him of his promise to submit an article in the Revue de Paris and suggesting an essay on the changing role of silver in the monetary system of the United States: "Je n'ai pas oublié la promesse que vous avez bien voulu me faire de collaborer à la Revue de Paris. Seriez vous disposé à nous donner une étude sur l'argent Américain ? La question métalliste a une si grande importance en ce moment aux États-Unis que je voudrois bien que quelqu'on comme vous l'explicait à nos lecteurs." - The controversial Coinage Act of 1873 had ended bimetallism in the United States thus creating the gold standard. The debate continued and was hightened during the Panic of 1893, a recession that would last until 1897. In his 1896 presidential campaign, democratic candidate William Jennings Bryan promised a return to bimetallism, elevating monetary politics to a central campaign issue.

On stationery of the Revue de Paris.

Art.-Nr.: BN#31685 Schlagwörter: ,