D'Aloe, Stanislao. Storia della chiesa di Napoli provata con monumenti. Libri cinque.

Naples, Stabilimento tipografico strada Banchi-Nuovi, 1861.

Large 4to. 621, (7) pp. With 8 lithogr. plates. Near-contemporary blue marbled half calf with giltstamped crest of the Ducs de Luynes to spine. Marbled endpapers.


First edition of this study of the church history of Naples, from antiquity to the 18th century. The plates show ancient murals.

Occasional slight browning; a good copy. From the library of the Ducs de Luynes at the Château de Dampierre: their bookplate reproducing the arms of Charles Marie d'Albert de Luynes (1783-1839), 7th Duc de Luynes, on pastedown.


ICCU SBL\0406783. OCLC 5969921.

Art.-Nr.: BN#33255 Schlagwörter: ,