Class B. East Coast of Africa. Correspondence respecting the Slave Trade and other matters. From January 1 to December 31, 1870. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty. 1871. [C.-340].
London, Harrison and Sons, 1871.
Folio. V, (1), 70 pp. Sewn.
€ 800,00
Rare British parliamentary papers and correspondence with local agents and officers on the slave trade, including material on the abuse of the French flag by Arab slave-dhows and on Zanzibar's Sultan Majid bin Said's attempts to exploit Anglo-French political and strategic rivalries in the region. The relevant sections are: firstly, under the heading "Correspondence with British Representatives and Agents abroad", "France" (pp. 1-3) and "Zanzibar" (pp. 12-43); and secondly, under the heading "Reports from Naval Officers", "East Coast of Africa Station" (pp. 44-70).
A good copy.