Protokoll des III. Kongresses der Kommunistischen Internationale. (Moskau, 22. Juni bis 12. Juli 1921).
8vo. 1086 pp. Original half cloth. Top edge red.
€ 650,00
First German edition of the conference publication, "Protocol of the 3rd Congress of the Communist International". A year after the Second Congress, and only two after the Comintern had been founded, the Third Congress of the Communist International, representing 58 countries, met at Moscow on 22 June 1921. The speeches, here reproduced in full, focused on how the struggle could be transformed into "civil war" when the circumstances were favorable to "openly revolutionary uprisings"; Leon Trotsky played a prominent role. With the Bolshevik revolution under attack in the Russian Civil War and a wave of revolutions across Europe, the Comintern's priority was exporting the October Revolution.
Issued as volume 23 of the "Bibliothek der Kommunistische Internationale". Browned in the margins; front inner hinge weakened; a little worn but good.