Marx, Karl, philosopher and economist (1818-1883). Autograph letter signed ("K. M.").

[London], 19. IX. 1873.

8vo. ½ page.


To an unnamed addressee, probably Maurice Lachâtre: "Cher citoyen, J’étais très malade pendant les dernières semaines et je suis encore souffrant. Cependant M. Lahure a reçu les dernières épreuves le 8 septembre. Il a tout et plus qu’il ne lui faut pour publier les 5 et 6 livraisons. Pourquoi ne procède-t-il donc pas? Je trouve qu’il agit très impolitiquement, et vous m’obligerez en m’informant sur les raisons de ce retard. À Berlin, dans les cercles les mieux instruits, on considère la fusion comme une chose perdue et le rétablissement de la monarchie en France comme un rêve qui ne s’accomplira pas [...]" ("I have been very ill during the last weeks and am still suffering. Meanwhile M. Lahure has received the last proofs on September 8th. He has everything and more of what he does not need to publish instalments 5 and 6. So why is he not proceeding? I think his actions are highly impolitic, and I am obliged to you for informing me about the reasons for the delay. In Berlin, in the better informed circles, the fusion is considered a lost cause and the restoration of the monarchy in France a dream never to be accomplished [...]").

Marx alludes to the attempt of a monarchic fusion undertaken by the count of Paris, Head of the House of Orléans, next to the count of Chambord, legitimist suitor.

Written in a small, close hand. With a notarial inventory mark.


Not in: Marx/Engels, Werke vol. 33 (Briefe Juli 1870 - Dezember 1874).