Marx, Karl, philosopher and economist (1818-1883). Autograph letter signed ("K. M.").

[London], 13. X. 1873.

12mo. 1 page.


To an unnamed addressee: "Dans votre lettre que je viens de recevoir aujourd'hui aussi bien que dans la lettre précédente vous parlez seulement de la sixième série, mais veuillez bien remarquer que je n'ai pas encore reçu la cinquième! J'ai écrit pour avoir des notes biographiques de Bebel et Liebknecht. Les chances du roy sont plus que douteuses; mais même s'il revenait, la France ne serait pas perdue. C'est du reste la politique de M. Thiers qui a amené cette catastrophe et, si la France y échappe, c'est grâce à la Hectique absurde des hommes de l'ordre moral et aux hésitations et scrupules de l'enfant du miracle, autrement dit 'l'enfant de l'Europe' [...]" ("In your letter I just received today, as well as in the previous one, you only speak of the sixth series, but please note that I have not yet received the fifth! I wrote to obtain biographical notes on Bebel and Liebknecht. The King's chances are more than dubious; but even if he returns, France will not be lost. By the way, it is M. Thiers' politics that caused this catastrophe, and if France escapes from it, it will be thanks to the absurd hecticness of the men of the moral order and to the hesitations and scruples of the child prodigy, also known as 'the child of Europe' [...]".

Marx alludes to Henri d'Artois, the Legitimist pretender to the throne of France between 1844 and 1883. After the collapse of the Second Empire under Napoleon III, his claim to the throne was supported by both Legitimists and Orléanists. However, Henri's insistence on the abandonment of the tricolour flag led to his losing the throne and to the establishment of the Third Republic.

With old inventory note. Small waterstain to upper left-hand corner, not touching text; two tiny marks from a paper clip, affecting a single letter.


Not in: Marx/Engels, Werke vol. 33 (Briefe Juli 1870 - Dezember 1874).