Douaren, François. Disputationum anniversariarum liber primus.

Lyon, Gryphius, 1547.

4to. 158 pp. Woodcut printer's device to title-page. Modern wrappers.


First edition.

A treatise on Roman and private law by the French jurist Douaren (1509-59), who taught at Bourges and was a councillor to the duchess of Berry. A supplemental volume would be issued in 1554.

A few contemporary underlinings. Paper somewhat brownstained, slightly wormed throughout. A tear in the title-page rebacked with paper.


Jöcher II, 227. Cf. Sauer/Auvermann 1645 (1573 ed.). Not in BM-STC or Adams.

Art.-Nr.: BN#49596 Schlagwörter: ,