Important history of Muslim Spain
Specimen e litteris orientalibus, exhibens diversorum scriptorum locos de regia Aphtasidarum familia et de Ibn-Abduno poeta [...].
Leiden, S. & J. Luchtmans, 1839.
Large 4to (235 x 272 mm). (8), 164 pp. Contemporary paper wrappers.
€ 450,00
Inaugural dissertation by the orientalist Martin Hoogvliet (b. 1814), containing an extract edition and translation of this important history of Muslim Spain, entitled "Al-mo'ajeb fi talkhíss akhbári-l-maghreb" ("The Promoter of Admiration, or a compendious History of the West"), written by the Moroccan historian Al-Marrakishi (b. 1185). Based on the ms. in the library of Leyden (No. 546). Treats the Aftasid dynasty and the work of Abdul Majid ibn 'Abdun Al-Yaburi (from today's Évora in Portugal).
Untrimmed, uncut copy.
OCLC 187471341.