2 autograph letters signed.
4to. Together 2 pp.
€ 220,00
Both to the critic Robert Kemp (1879-1959), probably dating to the 1950s. While in one letter, Dorgèles thanks Kemp wholeheartedly for an enthusiastic review of one of his publications about World War II in "Les Nouvelles littéraires", the second letter points to grievances that prevented Dorgèles from attending an event in Kemp's honour. He writes: "C'est intentionnellement que je ne suis pas allé vous embrasser hier comme j'en brûlais d'envie ; cela m'ait fait trop de peine de vous féliciter, et vous savez pourquoi. Vous avez oublié, mais moi je me souviens et porte mes regrets". In a short postscript, he adds that his "neurosis distorts" his writing but not his feelings: "La nevrose déforme mon écriture mais pas mes sentiments." Dorgèles probably suffered from combat neurosis.
On headed stationery.