David, Hermine, French painter (1886-1970). 2 autograph letters signed.

Paris, 20 May and 24 May 1942.

8vo. Together 1¾ pp.


To the publisher Maurice Delamain at Librairie Stock, confirming that she is willing to contribute a drypoint etching to an illustrated publication of Jacques-Henri Bernardin de Saint-Pierre's famous novel "Paul et Virginie" and, following Delamain's acceptance of her conditions, suggesting a meeting in that matter. The letter from 20 May reads: "Je vous confirme par cette lettre que je serai très heureuse de faire une gravure (pointe sèche) pour le livre 'Paul et Virginie' (Format ordinaire). Je vous serais reconnaissante de bien vouloir me répondre si le prix de 3.500 vous convient [...]".

Despite the agreement, Stock never published an edition of "Paul et Virginie".

The earlier letter stamped by Stock. The later letter with two minor tears and stronger browning.

Art.-Nr.: BN#58650 Schlagwörter: ,