Sirat-i müstakim. Vol. 5, No. 111.
Folio (250 x 350 mm). 16 pp. Original printed blue wrappers (edge brittle; broken at spine).
€ 1.500,00
Rare issue of this Ottoman journal devoted to the discussion of matters theological ("Religion and Knowledge") and political ("The Islamic World"). This issue, published just after the completion of the famous Hejaz Railway from Damascus to the Holy City of Medina, contains an article entitled "Open Letter to the Governor of Hejaz" ("Hicaz Vali Vekili'ne Acik Mektub / Hicaz Valisi Beyefendi'ye Acik Mektub", pp. 122f.) by Hüseyin Vassaf. In this article, the author makes bold suggestions to the Government of Hejaz for the administration of the next Hajj and recommends that the railway be maintained with care for the comfort of the prilgrims' travel: "We expect much from you. Avoid persecuting the people, as did some of your predecessors. Treat the pilgrims well and spare them the difficulties they are subjected to every year. Protect them from the bandits. Improve accommodation and transportation. Prepare waterways for pilgrims and build sufficent toilets. Even if they are poor, take good care of them. Instil in them a love for our state. Start preparing for this year's Hajj directly. Improve the living conditions of the people in the region. Reform the madrasas and schools. Fulfill all the requirements of the railways [...]".
A rare survival.
OCLC 6333040.