Autograph letter signed.
8vo. 1¾ pp. on bifolium. Mounted on backing paper.
€ 160,00
To his friend, the advocate Thomas Thomson (1768-1852), about their annual meeting during summer holidays and a trip Horner plans to go on with the author and judge John A. Murray: "You are now thinking, I hope, of your arrangements for coming to the south in the course of the long vacation. We never seem to have any intercourse except when we meet in the flesh; and I hope while we can move, we shall contrive to hold that communication once at least every year. Gout and rheumatism will come upon us soon enough [...] There will be no difficulty in getting chambers for you: or if you prefer being more to the westward, I shall have no objection to live in Albany, where Lord Webb is so kind as to let me have the use of his set of chambers [...]".
In 1807 both Horner and Thomson were elected Fellows of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, at the proposition of John Playfair, Sir James Hall and Thomas Allan.
With collector's note to backing paper. Slightly browned due to paper and slight brownstaining.