Palestine No. 1 1947. Proposals for the Future of Palestine. July, 1946 - February, 1947.
8vo. 14 pp. With a folding map. Original printed wrappers.
€ 1.500,00
Only edition of this rare pamphlet. "The only chance of peace, and of immediate advance towards self-governing institutions, appears to lie in so framing the constitution of the country as to give to each the greatest practicable measure of power to manage its own affairs".
An uncommon and important publication, detailing the Morrison-Grady Plan for the division of Palestine into four areas. The plan was based upon the work of British and American "expert delegations", who believed the political aspirations of the Arab and Jewish communities were irreconcilable and the best course of action was to give them their own territories and autonomy, albeit under a central government.
A little light water-staining to top of front wrapper, otherwise very good. The folding map, titled the "Provincial Autonomy Plan", shows the four areas: an Arab Province, a Jewish Province, a District of Jerusalem, and a District of the Negeb.