Typed letter signed.
4to. 1 p.
€ 1.500,00
To Guy Quoniam de Schompré, French consul in New Orleans, thanking him for New Year Wishes and returning them, also expressing his hopes for the "restoration" that "our poor country" needs: "Vos voeux de nouvelle année et l'expression que vous leur avez donnée m'ont beaucoup touchée. Je vous adresse, à mon tour, les miens les plus sincères. Que 1956 vous apporte ce que vous pouvez désirer et, à notre pauvre pays, le redressement dont il a besoin".
On stationery with printed letterhead "Le Général De Gaulle". Guy Quoniam de Schompré (1905-58) was a French diplomat in South-East Asia when Nazi Germany invaded France in 1940. He took the decision not to serve Vichy France as a diplomat, joining instead the Free French Forces under De Gaulle. On 1 August 1944, Quoniam de Schompré landed in Normandy as part of General Leclerc's 2nd Armored Division that would take part in the liberation of Paris.
Well preserved.