
Zeige Artikel 97–144 von 209 (Afrika)

  • Irby, Charles Leonard / Mangles, James. Travels in Egypt and Nubia, Syria and Asia Minor; During the Years 1817 …London, 1823.

  • [Islamic hadith collection]. [Manuscript hadith collection, including Surah 55 and Surah 67].North Africa, 1731 CE = 1144 H.

  • [Kamal el Dine Hussein, Prince]. [The Gilf Kebir expedition in photographs].Egypt and Libya, 1925-1926.

  • Kattani, 'Abd al-Hayy ibn 'Abd al-Kabir al-. Risalat al-yawaqit al-taminat fi al-ahadit al-qadiyat bi-zuhur sikkat al-hadid …Al-Ghaza'ir Algiers, 1911 CE = 1329 H.

  • Khalil ibn Ishaq al-Jundi. Mukhtasar [Legal manual].Northern Africa / Sahara region, 1778 CE.

  • Kirk, John, British administrator in Zanzibar (1832-1922); co-explorer with David Livingstone. Autograph letter signed ("very sincerely John Kirk").Zanzibar, 14.07.1868.

  • Kolbe, Peter. Beschreibung des Vorgebürges der Guten Hoffnung und derer darauf wohnenden …Frankfurt und Leipzig, 1745.

  • La Croze, Mathurin Veyssière de. Historische Beschreibung des Zustandes der christlichen Religion in Ethiopien …Danzig, 1740.

  • Lacroix, A[uguste] de. Storia privata e politica d' Abd-el-Kader.Bologna, 1846.

  • Lacroix, A[uguste] de. Storia privata e politica d' Abd-el-Kader.Bologna, 1846.

  • Lefebvre, [Charlemagne] Théophile. Voyage en Abyssinie execute pendant les annees 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842, …Paris, 1845-1851.

  • Lenz, Oskar, Afrikaforscher, Mineraloge und Geologe (1848-1925). "Skizzen aus Westafrika. Ein Weihnachtsabend im Okota-Lande". Eigenh. Manuskript …O. O., 1879.

  • Leo Africanus, Johannes (al-Hasan ibn Muhammad al-Wazzan al-Fasi). Historiale description de l'Afrique, tierce partie du monde.Lyon, 1556.

  • Lepsius, [Karl] R[ichard]. Das allgemeine linguistische Alphabet.Berlin, 1855.

  • Leyds, Johannes Jacobus Cornelis, Montanistiker und Komponist (1864-1914). Eigenh. Brief mit U.Johannesburg, ca. 1913/14.

  • Livingstone, David, African explorer (1813-1873). Autograph letter signed.Burnbank Road, Hamilton, 08.06.1865.

  • Livingstone, David, Afrikaforscher (1813-1873). Eigenh. Brief mit U. ("David Livingstone").Hamilton, 31.12.1856.

  • Lobo Huerta, Eugénio Gerardo. Rasgo epico, de la conquista de Oran, que à la diversion de los oficiales …Lisbon, 1738.

  • Lopes de Castanheda, Fernão. The First Booke of the Historie of the Discoverie and Conquest of the East …London, 1582.

  • [Loubet, Émile]. Voyage présidentiel. M. E. Loubet en Algérie et Tunisie. 15 Avril 1903.Algeria and Tunisia, 1903.

  • Ludolf, Hiob. Lexicon aethiopico-latinum.London, 1661.

  • [Luna, Miguel de]. The life of the most illustrious monarch Almanzor. And of the several revolutions …London, 1693.

  • Lyautey, Hubert, French general (1854-1934). Autograph letter signed.Oran, 28.09.1909.

  • [Maghreb travel]. Photo album.Libya and Tunisia as well as Italy, ca. 1930.

  • Maillet, Benoît de. Description de l'Egypte, contenant plusieurs remarques curieuses sur la …Paris, 1735.

  • Mandela, Nelson, South African anti-apartheid revolutionary and politician (1918-2013). Portrait photograph signed and inscribed.No place, 14.12.2001.

  • [Manuscript map of Yemen and the Red Sea]. Hitta-i Yemaniyye ve civari haritasidir [Map of the country of Yemen and …Ottoman Empire, 2 April 1911 CE = 20 March 1327 Rumi.

  • [Mappa Mundi - Africa and Asia]. Hand-drawn map of the Southern Hemisphere.No place, 17th or early 18th c.

  • Marín López, Diego, Spanish painter (1865-1916). Moroccan soldiers with horses.Tanger, ca. 1900.

  • Marmol Caravajal, Luis del. Primera parte (Libro tercero y secundo volumen dela primera parte / Segunda …Granada & Malaga, 1573-1599.

  • Martyr d'Anghiera, Peter. De rebus oceanicis et novo orbe, decades tres [...]. Item eiusdem, De Babylonica …Cologne, 1574.

  • Mayyarah, Muhammad ibn Ahmad. Al-Durr al-thamin wa-al-mawrid al-mu'in fi sharh al-Murshid al mu'in [Commentary …North Africa, 19th century CE.

  • Mohammed V., König von Marokko (1909-1961). Portraitphotographie.O. O. u. D.

  • Mohammed VI., König von Marokko (geb. 1963). Portraitphotographie mit eigenh. Widmung und U.O. O. u. D.

  • [Monterroyo Mascarenhas, José Freire de]. Noticia da destruiçam da armada argelina, que foy a Turquia buscar soccorro …Lisbon, 1733.

  • Monterroyo Mascarenhas, José Freire de. Oran conquistado ou relacam histórica, em que se dà noticia desta Praça, …Lisbon, 1732.

  • [Moroccan-Portuguese Treaty of 1774]. Tractado de paz, de navegacao, e de commercio entre o Senhor Rey D. Jozé …Palacio de N. S.a da Ajuda Lisboa, 13.11.1774.

  • [Morocco]. Vues du Maroc.Morocco, ca. 1910.

  • [Morocco]. Beautés Arabes. 10 Vues Artistiques.Paris, ca. 1930s.

  • [Morocco]. Carte du Maroc à l'échelle de 1:2,500.000e. Tirée en cinq couleurs en …Paris, 1907.

  • [Morocco - Muley Ahmed bin Muley Bensar bin Muley Ismael Ibn Sharif, Amir al-Mu'minin]. Raccolta di attestati diversi i quali comprovano, che D. Lorenzo Bartolomeo …Rome, 1735.

  • Muammar Al-Gaddafi, Libyan revolutionary and politician (1942-2011). Portrait print signed.No place or date.

  • [Muslim North Africa]. Dutertre, André, French painter (1753-1842), and others. Album with orientalist and military themed drawings.No place, mid-19th century.

  • [Muslim world map - Kuwait]. Map of the Islamic World.Kuwait, 1968.

  • Nachtigal, Gustav, Afrikaforscher (1834-1885). Dokument mit eigenh. U.Berlin, 26.05.1880.

  • Nachtigal, Gustav, Afrikaforscher (1834-1885). Eigenh. Brief mit U. ("Dr. GNachtigal").Berlin, 17. Januar 1877.

  • [Namibia/Deutsch-Südwestafrika] - Witbooi, Hendrik, Kaptein (Führer) der Witbooi (1834-1905) u. a. 2 Bildpostkarten mit 5 Unterschriften von Anführern der Witbooi.Deutsch-Südwestafrika, um 1902.

  • Nefzawi, Muhammad ibn Muhammad / Terme, Antonin (transl.). Al-rawd al-'atir fi nuzhat al-khatir [The Perfumed Garden].France or Tunisia, ca. 1850 CE.


Zeige Artikel 97–144 von 209 (Afrika)

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