Eine Auswahl von 12 Büchern, Handschriften und Karten
anlässlich der Firsts: London's Rare Book Fair 2022
Die Ritterliche unnd Lobwirdige Reyß [...] sagend von den Landen Egypto, …Frankfurt/Main, 1548.
€ 150.000,00Nach Goedeke die siebte deutsche Ausgabe des zuerst 1510 zu Rom in italienischer Sprache erschienenen, äußerst farbigen Berichts von Varthemas zwischen Ende 1502 und 1508 unternommener Reise. Diese führte ihn von Italien nach Alexandria, von wo aus er nilaufwärts fuhr; später nach Beirut und von da aus nach Aleppo und Damaskus. Als Mameluk schaffte …
Mouvement général du pèlerinage du Hedjaz par les ports de la Mer Rouge. …Constantinople, 1902.
€ 1.250,00Rare report on the regulation and organisation of the Hajj produced under the auspices of the Administration Sanitaire de l'Empire Ottoman for the Hejaz region. The detailed statistics on the numbers and origins of the pilgrims, their ships and ports of embarkation, their travel routes, etc., were published annually between 1896 and 1914.
Collection of Hejaz Railway revenue stamps, donation receipts and other …Mostly Constantinople Istanbul, mostly 1903-1910 CE.
Auf AnfrageComprises a range of official documents on Hejaz Railway revenue forms or validated with Hejaz Railway revenue stamps, including a form for the collection of Ashar tithes (1904/1905); a civil service school graduation certificate for Abdülkadir Efendi (1905); a property evaluation document (1906); a medical report (1910); and a power of attorney …
Sirat-i müstakim. Vol. 5, No. 111.Constantinople Istanbul, 21 Oct. 1910 CE = 8 Oct. 1326 Rumi.
€ 1.500,00Rare issue of this Ottoman journal devoted to the discussion of matters theological ("Religion and Knowledge") and political ("The Islamic World"). This issue, published just after the completion of the famous Hejaz Railway from Damascus to the Holy City of Medina, contains an article entitled "Open Letter to the Governor of Hejaz" ("Hicaz Vali Vekili'ne …
Road and rail map of Syria and Lebanon.Ottoman, 1911 CE = 1327 Rumi.
€ 3.500,00Large-format Ottoman map of Palestine and Syria produced shortly before the First World War, including Eastern Anatolia and Cyprus as well as the northern Sinai Peninsula. Vilayet divisions are given in red, roads and rail transportation ways are indicated in detail. A separate inset shows the Hejaz Railway with tracks running as far south as Medina …