Antiquaria Ludwigsburg

35. Antiquaria Ludwigsburg
28. Jänner 2021
Virtualle Messe
1Formula for entering the tribunal of Osiris
Fragment of a "Book of the Dead".N. p., first half of the XVIIIth dynasty ca. 1540-1350 BCE.
Auf AnfrageThis early illustrated fragment written in cursive hieroglyphs contains the end of the 124th chapter of the "Book of the Dead" ("Formula for entering the tribunal of Osiris") and a depiction of a procession of three male gods (one fragmented) equipped with ankhs and was-sceptres. The gods, drawn in red and black ink, wear striped tunics, the Egyptian …
3Aus dem Besitz des Theologen Johann Hofmüllner von Weitra
Homilien von Augustinus, Beda u. a. (Und:) (Pseudo-)Petrus de Pilichdorf …Wohl Niederösterreich, vor 1447.
€ 45.000,00Schöne Predigtenhandschrift des Spätmittelalters, aus dem Besitz des Wiener Theologen Johann Hofmüllner aus Weitra (gest. 1475); am Schluss ergänzt durch eine Waldenserschrift. Enthält im ersten Teil hauptsächlich aus Augustinus und Beda gezogene Homilien auf verschiedene Festtage und Bibelstellen:
1r: In vigilia ascensionis. S. Johan. …
7Erste deutsche Ausgabe des wichtigsten Renaissancewerks über weibliche Erziehung
Von underweysung ayner Christlichen Frauwen, Drey Bücher.Augsburg, 1. März 1544.
€ 18.000,00Erste deutsche Ausgabe des wichtigsten Renaissancewerks über weibliche Erziehung; eines der meistgelesenen Bücher des 16. Jahrhunderts. "Vives, der am Beginn der neuzeitlichen Pädagogik steht, legte mit diesem Buch das erste seiner Art vor" (KLL). Handelt in 36 Kapiteln von den weiblichen Tugenden: Von der aufferziehung, der ubrigen Kindhayt, …
15The greatest of star catalogues between those of Ptolemy and Brahe
[Jadawel mavadeh thavabet dar tool wa ard keh be rasad yaft-e Oloq Bayk …Oxford, 1665.
Auf AnfrageEditio princeps of Ulugh Beg’s "Zij-i Jadid-i Sultani", in the words of the Encyclopedia Britannica “the greatest of star catalogues between those of Ptolemy and Brahe”. Ulugh Beg (1394-1449) was the grandson of Timur, known in Europe as Tamerlane. In 1409, his father, Shah Rukh, appointed him governor of Samarkand, and he quickly set about …
19Polyglot poems: an authorial manuscript bound for the King
Poemata anatolico-polyglotta seu plurium linguarum OO. in laudem Magni …Probably Turin, 1767.
€ 25.000,00A fine dedicatory manuscript, pre-dating the noted Hebraist's first published work: an assembly of polyglot odes by the 25-year-old scholar to the royal family of Sardinia, written in Aramaic, Arabic, Coptic, Ethopian, Hebrew, Chaldaic, and Syriac, all with their Latin translation opposite.
De Rossi studied at Ivrea and Turin. In 1769 he was …
46Presentation copy inscribed to Saleh bin Ghalib Al-Qu'aiti, Sultan of Shihr and Makalla
Said bin Sultan (1791-1856). Ruler of Oman and Zanzibar. His Place in the …London, 1929.
€ 28.000,00Rare first edition: presentation copy from Said-Ruete to Sir Saleh bin Ghalib Al-Qu'aiti, Sultan of Shihr and Makalla (ruled 1936-56), inscribed in green ink: "To / His Highness The Sultan / of Shiher and Makalla / Saleh bin Galib Alcaity / a token of sincere esteem / by the Author. / London, May 7th 1937". Below this is pasted a printed bookplate …