Saavedra Fajardo, Diego. Idea de un principe politico Christiano, representada en cien empressas. Va emmendada en esta tercera impression de todos los hierros que avia en las otras. Dedicada al principe de las Españas nuestro señor [...].

Valencia, Geronimo Vilagrasa, 1655.

4to. (16), 694 [but: 692] pp. With heraldic title woodcut and 103 emblematic woodcuts in the text. Contemporary limp vellum with calligraphic title to spine.


Very rare, early edition of the probably most important mirror for magistrates, widely printed in illustrated and unillustrated editions - the second printed in Spain, according to Palau and Praz.

The present edition not listed in auction records of the past decades; only obe copy in OCLC (Univ. of Illinois).

With numerous underlinings and a few marginalia by a contemporary hand; the fine emblematic woodcuts are numbered by the same hand above the borders. Title with ms. mark of acquisition: "Lo compre en Malaga a Octobre 1796"; slight defect to paper due to obliteration of the name. Slightly browned and smudged; occasionally slightly waterstained.


Goldsmith S 9. Praz 483 (note). Landwehr 653. Campa 78, SX 15.

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