Secret accounts of the Turkish wars in Hungary

Schmettau, Friedrich Wilhelm Karl Gf. Historia arcana belli Turcici anni 1737, 38 et 39. Cum animadversionibus criticis [...]. E Gallico sermone in Latinum traduxit Michael Horvath.

Tyrnau, typis Tyrnaviensibus, 1776.

8vo. XX, 324 pp. With woodcut title vignette. Contemporary calf with giltstamped spine label and attractively gilt spine. All edges red. Marbled endpapers.


Second Latin edition of the "Memoires secrets de la guerre de Hongrie" (1771). 1771 had also seen the publication of the "Memoriae secretae belli hungarici annis 1737, 38, 39", of which a German edition was published in 1772 ("Geheime Nachrichten von dem Kriege in Ungarn in denen Feldzügen 1737, 1738 und 1739").

The Prussian officer F. W. K. Gf. von Schmettau (1742-1806), a member of the military staff of Frederick the Great, was known for his topographical maps. For the translator, the Tyrnau theologian and professor of oratory Michael Horvath (1728-1810), cf. de Backer/S. IV, 470.

A pretty copy.


Petrik 1712-1860, III. OCLC 80119364. Cf. Atabey 1099 (2nd French ed.). Not in Apponyi or De Backer/Sommervogel.

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