Jabornegg-Gamsenegg, Baron Marcus. Die Lavantthaler Bahn in touristischer Beziehung.

Klagenfurt, Ferdinand v. Kleinmayr, 1879.

8vo. 16 pp. Contemporary marbled paper spine.


Early description of the sights and tourist attractions along the newly-opened railway through Carinthia's Lavant Valley, offprinted from the Klagenfurter Zeitung. "Not two decades have passed since Carinthia jealously eyed her neighbouring countries, so happily blessed by their governments with modern means of transportation. Today our beautiful country has no more reason to be dissatisfied in this respect: railroads crisscross our land this way and that [...], and our country, long removed from intercourse with the world, is now known everywhere and famous for her natural beauties [...]".

Small tear to title-page and a slight waterstain to the upper corner, otherwise a good copy.

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