Clement of Alexandria. [Klementos Alexandreos ta heuriskomena.] Clementis Alexandrini opera, quae extant. Recognita & illustrata per Johannem Potterum, Episcopum Oxoniensem.

Venice, Antonio Zatta, 1757.

Large folio (288 x 412 mm). 2 vols. XII (including engraved frontispiece and engraved title-page), (12), 642 pp., last bl. f. (2), 643-1072, (4), 206, (66) pp., last blank f. Contemporary Italian vellum with giltstamped red spine labels. All edges sprinkled red.


Fine Greek and Latin edition in a clean, wide-margined copy. A "much expanded" (cf. Hoffmann) Venetian reprint of John Potter's edition of St. Clement (Oxford 1715), "a very splendid and elaborate edition, worthy [...] the erudition of the very learned prelate who hath so happily illustrated this miscellaneous writer" (Harwood, quoted in Dibdin I, 188). "The editor (as is well known) was afterwards Archbishop of Canterbury; and will long be remembered and reverenced for his acute and successful emendations of some of the most difficult of the Greek writers" (ibid.).

The frontispiece shows the Saint; the engraved title-page shows an appealing view of St Mark's Basilica in Venice.


Hoffmann I, 456. Ebert 4803. OCLC 4606451.

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