In defence of womanhood

Gedik, Simon. Defensio sexus muliebris, opposita futilissimae disputationi recens editae, qua suppresso authoris & typographi nomine blaspheme contenditur, mulieres homines non esse.

Leipzig, Michael Lantzenberger [für Henning Grosse], 1595.

4to. (62) pp., last bl. f. With woodcut printer's device on title-page.

(Bound with) II: Admonitio theologicae facultatis in Academia Witebergensi, ad scholasticam iuventutem, de libello famoso & blasphemo recens sparso, cuius titulus est: Disputatio nova contra mulieres, qua ostenditur, eas homines non esse. Wittenberg, Matthäus Welack's widow, 1595. (12) pp. Boards (c. 1900). Edges sprinkled in red.


The two most important literary reactions to the scandalous anonymous anti-feminist polemic, "Disputatio nova contra mulieres, qua probatur eas homines non esse" (no place, 1595; VD 16, ZV 4618), which had denied the humanity of women (and thus their capacity for salvation). The pamphlet sparked a surge of 16th and 17th century satires. The theology department in Wittenberg warned its students against reading the book, while the Leipzig Professor of Hebrew, Simon Gediccus (1551-1631), published an apology of the female sex in which he refutes the pamphlet word for word.

Somewhat browned throughout due to paper; ms. note on last leaf. From the collection of the German lawyer Christian Friedrich Eberhard (1753-1818) with his bookplate on the front pastedown. Both works are very rare; neither one in German auction records since 1950.


I: VD 16, G 652.

II: VD 16, W 3701.