Bode, Johann Elert. Kurzgefaßte Erläuterung der Sternkunde.

Berlin, Christian Friedrich Himburg, 1778.

8vo. 2 pts. in 1 vol. (18), 321, (1) pp. (9), 322-656, (2) pp. With 18 folding engr. plates. Contemp. half calf.


First edition.

Bode was one of the foremost astronomical writers of the 18th century (cf. ADB). "Besides his tables, his two sky atlases were for a long time indispensable tools for astronomers [...] Bode was almost the only writer to support the then not widely known ideas of Kant, Lambert, and Herschel on the infinity of space, the infinite number of inhabited worlds, and the continuous birth and passing away of stars according to natural laws" (DSB II, 220f.).

Binding rubbed; corners slightly bumped; spine and spine-ends damaged. Slightly browned throughout due to paper. Old library stamp of the Neu-Ruppin Gymnasium (the school founded in 1365 housed the town's most important library).


Poggendorff I, 217. DSB II, 221. Lalande 566. ADB III, 1. Not in Houzeau/Lancaster.

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