Attar, Farid al-Din. Tezkereh-i-evliâ. Manuscrit ouigour de la Bibliothèque Nationale. Reproduit par l'héliogravure typographique.

Paris, Imprimerie Nationale, 1890.

Folio. (4), 392 pp. Original printed boards with later cloth spine.


First edition of this Uyghur work ("Mémorial des Saints") by Farid al-Din `Attar (d. ca. 1230), preserved in a ms. in the Bibliothèque Nationale. Printed in the language's characteristic Arabic-derived alphabet.

Edges rubbed and bumped; covers stained. Interior foxed throughout. An uncut, untrimmed copy. Collection orientale, tome 16: 2me série, tome II (wants the first volume containing the French translation).


OCLC 7524145.

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