Autograph visiting card.
N. p. o. d.
Visiting card format. 2 pp. In French.
€ 100.00
To an unnamed Comtesse, thanking her for a brochure and asking for her address as to invite her to her salons: "merci de la brochure que je lirai avec le plus grand intérét: Je désirais justement connaître votre adresse pour vous prier d'assister a nos réunions. Il y en a un demain chez moi à 4 h ½. Si vous veniez, ce serait un grand plaisir pour tous [...]".
Melegari's first three novels were ghostwritten by Octave Mirbeau. Her most famous novel Hors d'atteinte was published in Paris in 1890. Melagari was twice nominated for the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1914 and 1923.