[Pamiati Karla Marksa.] Karl Marks (1818-1883). K dvadcatipjatiletiju so dnja ego smerti (1883-1908).
8vo. (4), 410 pp., final blank leaf. Original printed wrappers.
€ 9,500.00
Published in commemoration of the 25th anniversary of Karl Marx's death. Contains, among other pieces, the first printing of Lenin's article "Marxism and Revisionism", a detailed analysis of revisionist currents, ending with the programmatic slogan: "The ideological struggle waged by revolutionary Marxism against revisionism at the end of the nineteenth century is but the prelude to the great revolutionary battles of the proletariat, which is marching forward to the complete victory of its cause despite all the waverings and weaknesses of the petty bourgeoisie".
Title-page a little fingerstained; light wrinkling to corners of wrapper; a few flaws to the spine restored. Altogether a finely preserved copy of a rare work.
OCLC 86139210.