Varignana, Guglielmo. Secreta sublimia ad varios curandos morbos verissimis auctoritatibus illustrata additionibus nonnullis, flosculis item in margine decorata diligentissime castigata nusquam impressa feliciter incipiunt.

Venice, Alessandro Bindoni, 20 Nov. 1520.

8vo. (8), 127 ff. (wanting final blank f.). Half vellum using a leaf from an antiphonary.


Second edition; the first was published the previous year by Garaldi in Pavia. "Early in the 14th century Varignana wrote a remarkable treatise which he entitled 'Secreta medicinae' [...] The plan on which the book is constructed is simple and convenient for rapid consultation. The author begins at the head, and goes through all the diseases in detail right down to the feet" (Ferguson II, Suppl. 2, S. 18). The physician and philosopher Guglielmo da Varignana (1270-1339) was the brother of the municipal physician of Bologna, Bartolomeo da Varignana, known for having performed the first forensic dissection there.

Slight waterstaining throughout; trimmed rather closely. Several marginalia by a contemporary hand.


Edit 16, CNCE 34074. Wellcome 6495. Durling 2198. Hirsch/Hübotter V, 708. Ferguson (Bibliogr. Notes, Index) 317. Not in BM-STC Italian, Adams or Waller.

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