Polemical treatise against the Ottomans, printed in 1481

[Turci]. Tractatus quidam de Turcis.

Nuremberg, Conrad Zeninger, [after 3 May] 1481.

4to. 22 ff. (a7, b8, c7: wants first and last blanks). 32 lines, Gothic type. Rubricated throughout, 3 four-line lombardic initials, red penwork decoration at beginning of text. Later cream-coloured calf in contemporary style, with blind rules and stamped cover title "Tractatus De Turcis".


Third edition of this polemical treatise against the Ottomans. Mainly contains prophecies referring to the Turks (by Merlin, Cyrillus, Joachim of Fiore, St. Hildegarde, Catherine of Siena, Methodius, etc.). Also one of the earliest texts to mention Hungary, and one of the very few works printed by Zeninger: "Conrad Zeninger (from Mainz) produced a mere 10-odd books between 1480 and 1482" (cf. Halle 70). The prophecy referring to the King of Hungary (fol. a[5]r) is reprinted by Fraknói Vilmos, "Schlauch Lörincz szatmári püspöknek Török János által gyüjtött könyvtára", in: Magyar Könyvszemle 2 (1877), p. 77-90, at: 77f. (cf. Apponyi). The date is based on the mention of the death of Mehmet II on fol. A[4]v.

Some browning, with slight waterstain throughout in lower margin; first and final leaf washed. Slight paper flaw in fol. 1 (not touching text); final leaf restored. Faint traces of a later ms. page count are visible near the lower edge. Occasional 16th-century marginalia. A fine copy of this rare work, rubricated throughout.


HC 15681. Goff T-503. GW M48133. BMC II, 460. BSB-Ink T-437. Oates 1077. Proctor 2229. Walsh I, 794. Pellechet 11154. Halle 70 (Newe Zeitungen), 11. Apponyi 10. Hohenemser 2169. Geldner I, 173.