The whole Luther in contemporary pigskin

Luther, Martin. Der erste (-achte) Theil aller Bücher und Schrifften. Zum andern mal gedruckt.

Jena, Donat Richtzenhayn, Thomas Rebart, Rebarts Erben, Christian Rödingers Erben, 1557-1580.

Folio. 8 vols. With 8 woodcut title vignettes and 8 woodcuts in the text. Contemp. blindstamped pigskin bindings over wooden boards, some monogrammed and dated, some with preserved clasps.


Second Jena edition of the collected works (in various impressions for various publishers), edited by Amsdorf, Aurifaber, Rörer, Soltz and others. Each volume begins with a brief introduction and an index (a complete index was separately published by Timotheus Kirchner in 1564). Includes: vol. 1 (Richtzenhayn/Rebart 1564), vol. 2 (ibid. 1563); vol. 3 (Richtzenhayn 1573), vol. 4 (ibid. 1560), vol. 5 (Rödinger's heirs 1557), vol. 6 (Richtzenhayn/Rebart 1568), vol. 7 (Rödinger's heirs 1558), vol. 8 (Rebart's heirs 1580). For the woodcuts monogrammed "PG" in vols. I-VII cf. Nagler (Monogrammisten) IV, 2967, 14. Vol. VIII shows the three Saxon Princes with their coats of arms and a 12-line verse encomium, "Des Luthers Bücher gros und klein". The pretty blindstamped bindings show roll-tools and platestamps, various dates and monogrammes. This set was assembled by the Saxon theologian Dr. Carl Friedrich Bonitz (1775-1835), preacher of the afternoon mass at the Leipzig University Church in 1800, then active in Langensalza from 1802 onwards (and superintendent in 1809). His autograph ownership is on the flyleaf of each volume (dated 1807 in the first). Among Bonitz's works are studies in the Pauline epistles and a "Geschichte der Lutherischen Religions- und Kirchenverbesserung" (1805).

Some browning throughout; occasional slight waterstaining; bindings rubbed. Altogether a well-preserved made-up set from the library of a Saxon protestant theologian of the early 19th century.


VD 16, ZV 24 1682, L 3355, L 3381, L 3349, L 3330, L 3367 or ZV 21399, L 3336 and L 3389. Aland 572ff. Goedeke II, 151. Cf. BM-STC German 534 (another made-up set).

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