Voltaire, French Enlightenment writer, historian and philosopher (1694-1778). Autograph letter signed ("Voltaire").

Ferney, 22 Sept. 1764.

8vo. ½ p.


Note of debt for the Duke of Wuerttemberg: "Je promets fournir à mr jean moire cent mille livres a son ordre soit en argent comptant soit en lettres de change [...] lesquelles avec cent mille livres que je luy aydeja données pour le compte de S. A. S. Mg le duc de virtemberg composeront la somme de deux cent mille livres dont S. A. S. doit me constituer les rentes viageres dont nous sommes convenus [...]" ("I confirm that I will provide M. Jean Moire with 100,000 livres either in silver or in security papers [...]. Combined with another 100,000 livres which I have already given him for the account of His Serene Highness, the Duke of Wuerttemberg, this payment constitutes the sum of 200,000 livres of which His Serene Highness will pay me the life annuities upon which we have agreed [...]", transl.).

Charles-Eugène, Duke of Wuerttemberg and count of Montbéliard, notoriously in debt, had borrowed a considerable sum from Voltaire. When the Duke was unable to repay him, he had to offer him his castle of Montbéliard instead. When Voltaire died in 1778, Charles-Eugène had still not settled his debts.

Slightly stained and with cracks at the edges and folds.

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