Autograph letter signed.
8vo. 1 p. on bifolium.
€ 80.00
To a fellow member of the Institut de France, possibly Alfred Mézières, retracting a previous complaint as he did receive all three volumes of the publication of the manuscrits of the Musée Condé after all: "Je me suis trompé. J'ai bien reçu les deux premiers volumes du Cabinet des Ms. de Chantilly et le 3e vient d'arriver. Ainsi en ce qui me concerne, vous n'avez à tenir aucune compte de ma réclamation." The Musée Condé was founded in 1897, after Henri d'Orléans, Duke of Aumale had donated the family collection to the Institute de France. Alfred Mézières was the first president of the "collège des conservateurs" of the museum from 1897-1915, although Gustave Macon was the acting conservator. The first two volumes of the catalogue of the important manuscript collection were published in 1900, the third volume followed in 1911.
On stationery of the Revue historique.