Delineatio provinciarum Pannoniae et Imperii Turcici in Oriente. Eine grundrichtige Beschreibung deß ganzen Aufgangs, sonderlich aber deß Hochlöblichen Königreichs Ungarn, und der ganzen Türckey, auch deren Völcker, welche selbigem Monarchen zinßbar, als Mohren, Arabern und Tartarn, von ihren grausamen Proceduren, gegen die Christenheit [...].
Small folio (206 x 324 mm). (8), 162, (6) [instead of 8] pp. Title-page printed in red and black. With double-page-sized frontispiece, 39 (instead of 41) engr. plates and 2 engr. maps; numerous woodcuts in the text. Contemp. blindstamped leather over wooden boards with 2 clasps.
€ 5,000.00
First edition of this highly interesting, appealing work, a topical publication produced but a year after the 1683 Siege of Vienna. Four additional volumes would be prepared by 1689. The plates show views of Hungary, the Ottoman Empire, and the Near and Middle East (Jerusalem, Egypt, Babylon, etc.), as well as Sultan Mehmet IV and the relief of Vienna.
Binding rubbed. Some brownstaining throughout with occasional waterstains. Several leaves rebacked or reinforced in the margins (occasional loss to text or image); wants the view of Ofen (Buda) and the "Crowning of the Empress" as well as one leaf of the index.
VD 17, 23:300271C. Lipperheide LB 22. Nebehay/W. 794. Not in Apponyi.