Callenberg, Johann Heinrich (praes.) / Vockerodt, Ludwig Christian (resp.). Iuris circa Christianos Muhammedici particulae. E codicibus Moslemorum [...].

Halle, Christian Henckel, (1729).

4to. (4), 18, (2) pp. Papered spine.


Considered Callenberg's probably most scholarly work, a Halle disputation about Muslim laws respecting Christians. The respondent was Ludwig Christian Vockerodt, the son of Callenberg's former teacher in Gotha, Gottfried Vockerodt. With numerous notes in Arabic. The German orientalist and Lutheran professor of theology and philology Johann Heinrich Callenberg (1694-1760) tried to promote conversions among Jews and Muslims. For this purpose he founded (in 1728) the "Institutum Judaicum et Muhammedicum", which also produced oriental-language translations of Christian tracts.

Well preserved.


GAL S I, 347.

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