[Syrias.] Hierosolyma hoc est expeditio illa celeberrima Christianorum principum, qua Goffredo Bulione duce à Turcarum tyrannide Hierusalem liberatur.
4to. (26), 496, (2) pp. With woodcut printer's device to t. p. and several historiated initials. Contemporary limp vellum with ms. spine title "Carmina Barge".
€ 2,800.00
Epic poem on the events of the first crusade (1486-99), led by Godfrey of Bouillon. The work was written at almost the same time as Tasso's like-themed "Gerusalemme Liberata": while this is the first edition under the title "Hierosolyma", it was actually already published in Paris in 1582 (bks. 1-2) and 1584 (bks. 3-4), then in Rome in 1585 (bks. 1-6), and finally, in all 12 books, separately in 1591 under the title "Syrias" (cf. Brunet I, 288). Petrus Angelus Bargaeus (1517-92) was a scholar and professor at the universities of Pisa and Rome.
Rather strong brownstaining, occasional waterstaining. Some contemporary underlining and ms. line-numbers supplied throughout. OCLC locates single copy in America (Houghton Library, Harvard).
BMC 5:448. NUC 16.619. Bruni/Evans 232. OCLC 82107113. Cf. Brunet I, 288.