[Allgemeiner Kalender]. Allgemeiner Kalender für alle Bewohner des österreichischen Kaiserstaates. Auf das Jahr der christlichen Zeitrechnung 1832, welches ein Schaltjahr von 366 Tagen ist.

Vienna, Jacob Mayer, [1831].

4to. 72, 32 pp. Title-page and calendar section printed in red and black; calendar interleaved.


With several manuscript annotations to the interleaves in the calendar part. Articles include: album of Saints, instructions in morals and sagacity, health tips, weather forecasts; a complete genealogy of the Austrian Imperial family and the other ruling houses of Europe, a series of interesting essays of scientific and artistic nature for the purposes of instruction and practical application, several humorous items including poetry and songs, and an extensive list of all the fairs held in the Austrian countries in 1832.

Extremeties somewhat bumped.

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