Contarini, Giovanni Pietro. Historia von dem krieg, welchen newlich der Türckisch Keiser Selim der ander wieder die Venediger erreget hat. In Welscher und Lateinischer Sprach erst außgangen, jetzt aber von Georgen Henisch von Bartfeld verteutschet.

Basel, Peter Perna, 1573.

4to. (8), 181, (1) pp. With folding woodcut map. Modern half calf.


First German edition.

"This is an important source work for the battle of Lepanto. Contarini has written a detailed account of the battle, including the events leading up to it. He includes many interesting statistics - the source of the various ships, numbers of men taking part, etc." (Navari). "One of the most extensive accounts of the Battle of Lepanto, with details as to the Venetian, Spanish, and Papal ships" (cf. Göllner).

Title page numbered; a few old underlinings. Closely trimmed at upper edge (occasionally touching headlines); insignificant brownstaining. Very rare: not a single copy in postwar German auction records. Formerly in the Ottoman collection of the Swiss industrialist Herry W. Schaefer.


VD 16, C 4965. IA 143.974. BM-STC 221. Blackmer 396 (note). Schottenloher 43475 c. Apponyi 1837. Kertbeny 860. Göllner 1617.