Nau, M[ichel], SJ. L'état présent de la religion Mahometane. Seconde edition.

Paris, la veuve P. Bouillerot, 1684-1688.

Small 8vo. 2 vols. in one. (8), 252 pp. (14), 9-240, (4) pp. Contemporary French brown morocco with gilt spine (spine-ends repaired).


A mixed copy of the 1784 first and the 1788 edition. A Jesuit perspective on the Muslim faith, including many observations on Islamic customs and culture; "contenant les choses les plus curieuses qui regardent Mahomet & l'établissement de sa secte, qui n'ont pas encore été imprimées. Avec des conferences sur la religion chrétienne, & sur l'Alcoran" (subtitle). Indeed, the Tours-born Jesuit Michel Nau (1631-83) had first-hand knowledge of the Middle East: he had undertaken a long voyage to the Holy Land during which he visited Galilee in 1665 and the remainder of Palestine in 1674. He published an account of his journey, "Voyage nouveau de la Terre-Sainte".

From the library of the Abbé de la Paluelle with his ownership to title page and his etched armorial bookplate to pastedown.


Chauvin XII, p. 283f., no. 1187 & 1190. Luzac, Bibl. orientalis IX, 26, no. 493. OCLC 54746487. De Backer/Sommervogel V, 1595, no. 3. Cf. Hurter IV, 428.

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