[Slave Trade]. Class B. East Coast of Africa. Correspondence respecting the Slave Trade and other matters. From January 1 to December 31, 1870. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty. 1871. [C.-340].

London, Harrison and Sons, 1871.

Folio. V, (1), 70 pp. Sewn.


Rare British parliamentary papers and correspondence with local agents and officers on the slave trade, including material on the abuse of the French flag by Arab slave-dhows and on Zanzibar's Sultan Majid bin Said's attempts to exploit Anglo-French political and strategic rivalries in the region. The relevant sections are: firstly, under the heading "Correspondence with British Representatives and Agents abroad", "France" (pp. 1-3) and "Zanzibar" (pp. 12-43); and secondly, under the heading "Reports from Naval Officers", "East Coast of Africa Station" (pp. 44-70).

A good copy.

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