Rerum a Sigismundo illustrissimo et fortissimo Transylvaniae principe contra Turcas gestarum brevis enarratio.
4to. (48) pp. With woodcut title border. Modern full calf with blindstamped cover rules.
€ 2,500.00
Rare first edition of this account of Prince Sigismund Báthory's 1594 campaign against the Ottomans. At the time, Báthory's military successes against the Turkish forces attracted much notice in Europe. "The little book is quite jauntily written, providing a capsule history of the country up to Báthory's accession, then an account of the difficulties and hardships of the first years, the suppression of the 1594 conspiracy, naturally glorifying the Prince at the same time, and then gives a rather extensive account of the events of the campaign up to October 26. The numerous geographical names in the narrative are spelled correctly throughout" (cf. Apponyi). "Marchtaler knew Transylvania from a previous visit. The author did not himself participate in the campaigns against the Turks" (cf. Göllner). Although Apponyi speculated that the book might be an unknown publication by the Viennese printer Leonhard Nassinger, the Bohemian printer was conclusively identified by Ulrich Kopp of the Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel.
Some browning and brownstaining; ink pagination added by a contemporary hand. A good copy.
VD 16, M 942 (cf. 943). BNHCat M 219. Göllner II, 2050. Hubay 360. Jügelt 47. Apponyi 562 ("apparently very rare").