In a hunter's binding

Fritsch, Ahasver. Corpus juris venatorio-forestalis, tripartitum.

Jena, Samuel Adolph Müller, 1675-1676.

Folio (210 x 325 mm). (12), 114, 47, (1), 68, 219, (1), 284, 52 pp. Title page printed in red and black. With separate engraved title ("1676"). Contemporary vellum with handwritten spine title and giltstamped covers.


First edition of this manual of hunting and forestry law; rare with the year "1675" on the printed title. Fritsch (1629-1701) was a professor at Jena, also serving as court chancellor at Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt. "Fritsch was the principal jurist on German game and forestry laws in the 17th century, and this book is the first edition of a compendium which contains most of them" (Schwerdt). The first part contains the author's own treatises on the law of hunting, part 2 comprises various decisions and commentaries; the third (and most copious part) contains the the game ordinances of the German countries. "Dem ersten Teil gehen die jagdrechtlichen Abhandlungen von Sebastian Medices, Georg Mor, Friedrich Pruckmann, Franciscus Zoanetti, Sebastian Khraisser und Fritschs eigener 'Tractatus de jure convenandi' voraus. Die letzten 52 Seiten füllt der Wiederabdruck von Cyriacus Spangenberg, 'Jagteuffel'. Es gibt Exemplare, bei denen der Haupttitel die Jahreszahl 1675 trägt [...] Das Kupfer des Vortitels trägt stets die Zahl 1676, so daß die gesamte Auflage erst in diesem Jahr herausgekommen zu sein scheint" (Lindner).

Some worming to endpapers. Title page has handwritten ownership of a Breslauer canon (dated 1699). Bookplate of the library of Pfannberg castle in Styria, the collection of the Austrian industrialist Baron Franz Mayr von Melnhof (1810-89). A pretty copy in an uncommon, well-preserved binding with hunting designs.


VD 17, 547:633514G. Lindner 11.0663.01. Schwerdt I, 190. Souhart 201. ADB VIII, 108f.

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