Neruda, Pablo, Chilean poet and Nobel Prize laureate (1904-1973). Autograph quotation signed.

New York, 1943.

Oblong 8vo. 1 p. Reverse with autograph musical quotation signed by Arthur Rubinstein.


The second verse of his famous poem "Un Canto para Bolivar", read by Neruda at the University of Mexico on July 24, 1941, for the 101st anniversary of the death of Simon Bolivar, and published in an edition of 500 copies (Imprenta Universitaria, 1941). Neruda noted this stanza in an autograph album in New York in 1943. "Tu pequeño cadáver de capitán valiente | ha extendido en lo inmenso su metálica forma, | de pronto salen dedos tuyos entre la nieve | y el australien pescador saca a la luz de pronto | tu sonrisa, tu voz palpitando en las redes".

Two years earlier, Rubinstein penned four bars of the Polish national anthem "Himno Polaco" in the autograph album from which this sheet originates.

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