Blanc, Louis, French politician and socialist, founder of French social democracy (1811-1882). Autograph letter signed.

No place, 25. IX. 1858.

8vo. 1 page on bifolium. With portrait photograph (60 x 90 mm).


To an unidentified recipient, regretting his being unable to offer historical information on the Secret Treaty of Verona (1822) and recommending the work of the French journalist and politician Achille Tenaille de Vaulabelle: "Je regrette vivement de ne pouvoir vous donner le renseignement historique que vous me demandez, relativement au traité secret de Vérone. Connaissez-vous l'histoire de la Restauration par Vaulabelle? Il serait possible que vous trouvassiez là quelque éclaircissement; mais je n'ai pas l'ouvrage à ma disposition [...]".

Traces of former mounting.

Stock Code: BN#49956 Tags: ,