Moroccan-printed Arabic edition of Euclid's "Elements"

Euclid / Al-Tusi, Nasir al-Din Muhammad ibn Muhammad. Kitab tahrir al-usul li-Uqlidis (Commentary on Euclid's Elements).

Fes (Alawi Morocco), al-Matba`ah al-`Amirah, Khidmat al-`Arabi al-Azraq (colophon with name of Sultan Muley Hassan), [1 Nov. 1876 CE =] 13 Shawwal 1293 H.

4to. 2 vols. (1), 455, 4 pp. (4), 445, (3) pp. Each page with 19 lines of Maghribi script within double rules. With numerous diagrams. Lithographed on thick paper throughout. Contemporary red morocco boards with gilt cover decorations and fore-edge flap. Calligraphic title to lower edges.


Very rare Moroccan-printed (lithographed) Arabic edition of Euclid's famous "Elements of Geometry", the "oldest mathematical textbook in the world still in common use today" (PMM). The translation and commentary, first printed in 1594, are by the great Persian polymath Nasir al-Din al-Tusi (1201-74), after whom the lunar crater "Nasireddin" is named.

Evenly browned throughout; occasional slight traces of worming. Bindings a little chipped at extremeties, but a very appealingly preserved copy. OCLC lists only four copies in libraries (Harvard, Columbia, Oxford, Cambridge).


OCLC 83666245. Cf. PMM 25.

Stock Code: BN#52222