Recommending a young Astronomer

Humboldt, Alexander von, German naturalist and explorer (1769-1859). Autograph letter signed ("Humboldt").

Paris, 20 Sept. 1824.

4to. 1 p. on bifolium.


Charming letter of recommendation for the Russian astronomer Ivan Michailovic Simonov (1794-1855). The letter was probably addressed to the Italian astronomer and director of the Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera in Milan, Oriani Barnaba (1752-1832). Humboldt expresses his regret that he was unable to call on the recipient during a visit to Italy with the Prussian King Frederick William III in 1822 and asks him to welcome the "skillful Professor" Simonov, who "had undertaken the journey around the world with captain Bellingshausen": "J'ai été assez malheureux de ne pas pouvoir Vous offrir mes hommages, mon illustre confrère, lorsque j'étais à Milan accompagnant mon Roi : aujourd'hui je charge mon digne ami, Mr le Professeur de Simonof, Géometre et Astronome très distingué qui a fait le tour du globe avec le Capitaine Bellingshausen, d'être auprès de Vous l'organe de mes sentiments d'admiration et de dévouement. Daignez recevoir cet habile Professeur avec la bienveillance qui Vous caractérise et dont il sentira tout le prix [...]".

As mentioned in the letter, Simonov was a scientific member of the important First Russian Antarcitic Expedition led by Fabian Bellingshausen (1819-21). In 1822 he was confirmed as a Professor of Astronomy at the University of Kazan. From 1823 to 1824 Simonov stayed in Paris, where he was introduced to Alexander von Humboldt. During Humboldt's eight-month expedition to Russia in 1829 the two men met again in Kazan; together they performed geomagnetic experiments.

No direct contact between Alexander von Humboldt and Oriani Barnaba has so far been established, but Humboldt is known to have been familiar with Barnaba's publications. A mutual acquaintance of Humboldt and Barnaba is the Austrian astronomer Karl Kreil.

With traces of folds. Well preserved.

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