A court case about an unpaid fee
Autograph letter signed ("D. Merezhkovsky").
4to (270 x 207 mm). 1 page. In Russian.
€ 2,500.00
To Kvasnicka & Hampl about a court case regarding an unpaid fee, mentioning "Peter and Alexis" and the "Romance of Leonard da Vinci". Merezhkovsky asks his Czech publishers to represent his interests in court against Mme Kolova-Tushkova in the case of an unpaid fee for his article, stating that there is no written evidence concerning the size of the fee. Merezhkovsky writes that he will give more details about his novels "Petr i Alexey" ("Peter and Alexis") and "Voskrestchie Bogi. Leonardo da Vinci" ("Romance of Leonardo da Vinci") in a following letter.
Kolova-Tushkova was the publisher of the Centrum magazine in the 1920s and 1930s.
Two ink stamps by recipient. Some damage to right margin; left margin partly rebacked.